Hey lovies! You’re probably wondering, “What the heck is a stache?” lol.. it’s meant to be pronounced as “Stash”. You know like “mustache”. That being anything I enjoy sharing with others, of course! Anywho…. before I get into detail about this stripper though…
I thought I’d share a little something and someone special! I adore people who have goals. Especially, if they show great determination to win in their business. If that’s what you are, I’m always ready to help out in any way I can. That’s what I’m doing for my girl here (more in a bit). You all may know by now that I run an online graphic design business from my home. If you didn’t know that, well, now you do! Yay! *throws confetti*. Recently I’ve been communicating back and forth with someone who has been down by law with me as a loyal client-friend since day one! Chastity, she’s awesome! She’s a loving wife, wonderful mother to her adorable daughter Abby, and she runs a business from home as well, known as Perfectly Posh.

I have to admit, that’s a pretty cool name for the fabulous pampering products they sell. Perfectly Posh is a fresh and pretty successful business that offer gluten-free, sulfate-free, no SLS or paraffins, paraben-free, natural products that you can use to give yourself perfect spa and relaxation comfort in the your own home. You can also become a representative and build your own side business from it. Throw parties, have fun, and smell good enough to eat while doing it! Sweet right? I’m all for making your own money hunty! There is nothing better than feeding your body with the clean, good stuff and not anything filled with harsh chemicals, secret ingredients, and crap 98% of America can’t even pronounce.
Chastity was kind enough to send me a few samples of the Perfectly Posh products to try out and I have to say, they ALL smell delicious. Using them was even more fun. Don’t let the small size fool you. A little goes a LONG way with them… Want to know what’s even more awesome? A Stripper in a jar! Fantasy right? lol. Sorry ladies, but seriously, in a jar. YOU get to win one of them in full size baby!
Perfectly Posh: The Stripper

The Stripper is an aggressive detoxifying deep-cleansing body mud mask that aggressively absorbs and removes free-radicals from skin. It also soothes skin and slows moisture removal with triglycerides and vanilla essential oil.
Here’s the Health Scoop 411: If you were the type to fall asleep during biology class in high school, free-radicals are the selfish little molecules of oxygen that can damage every area of our bodies but you can apprehend them by boosting your antioxidant intake.

You can be exposed to free radicals through food you eat that contain preservatives or additives, refined foods like white sugar and white flour, smoking, chemotherapy, radiation, pollution, computers, TVs, using microwaves, stress, tap water, and so much more! Look it up!
NOTE: One free radical can initiate tens of thousands of chain reactions that cause tremendous harm (destroy cell membranes, disrupt crucial processes in the body, reprogram DNA, form mutant cells, and more).
With continued use of the Perfectly Posh Stripper mask, it supports cleaner, brighter skin, fewer black heads and blemishes, and improved elasticity. Apply the mud mask to rinsed, clean skin (lightly in more sensitive areas). All you have to do is use for one to fifteen minutes (varies by skin type). Rinse then moisturize. This is an aggressive, deep-cleansing product. Do not use on sensitive skin. Use once or twice per week for detox your lovely face of those nasty oxygen balls of evil. Enter to win below!
I love the idea of the stripper. Actually I love the idea of the whole business concept for Perfectly Posh. You are right, it is a great name and seamingly great products.
I know right! Amazing stuff!