Okay… so my title may have caught many of you off guard so just in case you didn’t know, YES, I am expecting. First-time mom here. It’s super exciting if I say so myself. The hubby and I found out officially back in February when we visited the Atlanta Care Center. Oh boy!

I must admit, finding out I was pregnant was a shocker. I always thought I’d be the LAST of the women in my family to produce lol. Seriously! But I guess someone has other plans for me. Needless to say that I am enjoying the feeling of preparing for motherhood. It’s an unexplainable feeling indeed carrying a small human that kicks and does cartwheels all day everyday. I love it!
I am currently 28 wonderful and blissful weeks as of this past Sunday. I still have not experienced any terrible accolades that come with pregnancy so they say its smooth sailing for me right now. We recently went to the doctor for a check-up on May 1st. Baby is 100% awesome, growing wonderfully, and my glucose screening came back top notch! I still have yet to figure out where I’ll be birthing my little one but I’ve already desired having a water birth. Time to use that woman strength for the greater good. I’m in between locations now since we plan to move soon around the outskirts Atlanta area, maybe Stockbridge.

My Belly Radar: 28 Weeks and 2 Days!
Anywho, enough updating… LET ME TELLLLL YOU about how I conceived. Funny story. For a while I thought I had no reproductive cell in my body. Yes, I was in denial. Since being married ….and not always being careful if you know what I mean… nothing. No baby at all. Until one day, the hubby decides to go to the gym and wants me to tag along. HIs routine was to make his protein shake and drink it before getting his fitness on.
He asked me to give it a try… the shake. I will never forget the so-called weird cake batter taste of that GNC Beyond Raw protein powder shake. UGH! Disgusting but he kept making sure I drunk ever last bit of my share. This had to be back in late October, mid early November. Before you know it, I noticed I had been sleeping in late A LOT. I wouldn’t wake up until after 3PM. No morning sickness or nausea, just a lot of sleeping. I thought nothing of it until my lovely husband noticed me getting just a bit bigger. He totally trapped me … he knew I was preggers for the longest. Ohhhh the deceit, right!
DOM… DOM…. DOMMMMMMM!!! When I noticed a bulge hitting my normally fit tummy, I panicked just a little. One late night, we went into Kroger, bought a pregnancy test and later found out I was preggers. Yep… hell froze over. Now that it’s been 6 months and I’m finally in the beginning of my 3rd trimester, I’ve come to the realization that I am REALLY going to be somebody’s mommy. Oh goodness. I’m going to be heart-broken when I no longer having a belly to entertain me. lol.
All I can say is ladies… stay away from the protein shakes and intense love escapades with your baby fever-having men. Apparently, those shakes actually heighten the female hormone levels to extremes. lol. Levels I didn’t have before, obviously. Welp, expected due date is July 27th. The baby fever bug got me! Just a few months ago this was me:

Little did I know, I was already pregnant when I wrote this, LOL! Grab your baby-repellant spray if you’re not in the market for a tiny tot this year. Babies are popping up everywhere. But boy am I excited! Baby on the way… new chapter of my life… new experiences that I simply can’t wait to share more of. Oh… and since my last ultrasound failed due to the cord being in the way, we won’t find out the sex of our baby nugget until May 22nd! Our anniversary! How cool is that?!
Family is excited… life is good.
Did you have a funny story of how you conceived? Share the love and comments below. I’d love to read them.
Congrats! My first baby is 8months old and we are loving parenthood thus far. I found out I was pregnant after going raw (diet) for a week and trying to work out after. Jack Daniels was the culprit at an art event though, lol. Many blessings to you and hubby, there are plenty more adventures to come!
Oh goodness, can't believe I didn't see this comment lol! I'm sure your little one is over the age of 1 now! Jack Daniels will get EVERYONE in trouble lol. Thanks though, my little one is now 8 months and he is full of joy for sure!