These past few months have truly been good to me. I say that because the more I open myself up to welcoming what’s foreign to me or not the norm for others, the less stressed and happier I am.
A great deal of my outlook has come from my past and having always felt “different”. I call that special … I would always questions things I was taught. I recently made the commitment to pursue a more vegan lifestyle too. Although it’s been my whole effort the entire past year and such and I’ve been doing well. Other than the occasional back sliding to indulge in light seafood or turkey sub – *insert shame* – I figured it was time I detox.
Since detoxing my body I’ve been damn great! If you follow my social media, I speak and share a lot about health and all. The more you learn, the less you’ll want to contribute to the bs in life. I detoxed for 10 days using a parasite cleanse from HealThyself360 and some food ideas/detox guide from Finesse Haven (now MealSaps). THE BOMB! If you’re scared to clean out those worms in your body and yes, YOU DO HAVE WORMS – especially if you “can’t live without meat”… this is a great way to start and her detoxes are SUPER affordable. I purchased the herbal capsules for $17 but there is a powder version for $13.
(This ain’t ya mama’s detox water or ACV shot lol) – Ingredients – Wormwood Leaf, Black Walnut Hulls, Clove Buds, Uva Ursi, Motherwort Leaf, Pumpkin Seeds, Papaya Seeds, White Oak Bark, Wood Betony Leaf, Cilantro, Thyme, and Spirulina
Hey you.. with the Starbucks cup and happy meal fries, you can totally afford to buy one of them to help clean that precious system out. Lol – I wish more people really valued their bodies. During the detox:
You can’t consume any dairy, meat, soy, or glutenous products or foods.
- Have sugars or heavy starches.
- Drink koolaid or anything other than CLEAN water. (I’d avoid tap if I were you).
- No beans or grains. *tears* – I love rice…
- You must take your capsules 3 times a day. (Unless you purchased the powder).
My personal experience
Day 1
This day was pretty simple. The night before I went shopping and bought tons of veggies.
Day 2
I went through some fatique this day. Due to my lack of water intake. I laid in bed for about an hour feeling pretty weak and stomach on empty. I drank a good bit of water and got up to eat – felt much better after about 15 minutes.
Days 3-6
Were the toughest to me. I started having HUGE sweet cravings and seeing my family indulge in leftover Labor Day bbq and such didn’t help either. lol – Mind over matter y’all… I prevailed.
Day 9
I was feeling like I had made a great accomplishment. I thought the detox was going to be a lot worse than I expected – having me look like the “my precious” creature from Lord of the Rings or something. Nah. The more ou use this detox, the deeper it gets with cleansing.
Day 10
Was epic. I was super proud of myself. The 10 days do seem like forever – especially when you’re having to get creative with the produce you’re use to pairing with grains like rice or some beans. It all worked out and I’ll be sharing some delicious recipes over the next few weeks that you can try while detoxing. She does recommend detoxing every 3 months. It’s not just food we get congested from – the atmosphere and more are some things we can’t avoid.
Want to see a few images of what I ate? Check out my Facebook or Twitter profiles.
If you would like to give yourself a gift and detox your body of parasites, check out the 13 Parasite Cleanse. The owner, Mama Khemmy is a gem and I really love being connected to her. She’ll help every step of the way if you need it. Check her out!
She uses all vegan, Non-GMO, and gluten free ingredients. Never any products or bi-products from animals. Hallelouuu!! – I already purchased the full body cleanse to follow-up with the parasite cleanse so I’m excited to get started on that one. Health is definitely your wealth. I’ll soon be sharing my 360 body detox experience as well.
Have you ever did a full detox? How often? If not would you?
how long did it take for you to get it after you ordered it ? And what were some of the mental and social benefits you seen with it ?
Appreciate the recommendation. Will try it out.
This really helped
Thanx 🙏🏾😊