Where do I actually begin with this blogging biz again. I don’t believe I blogged about anything since December of last year – I have my reasons though. I needed a hiatus. I needed to disconnect and recharge.
While away, I was hard at work with implementing more and better ways to grow my startup, CreateHER Stock as well as my own business, HUNCreative. I am a firm believer in self improvrment even when it all seems impossible. But I’m back and refreshed. I got some things under my sleeve and I’m excited to share them with you.
There are some changes you may have already noticed. For one, I finally got a new domain – something that aligns with my life altogether for this blog right now. Remember when blogging was just another outlet used to simply express your likes, dislikes, and so forth? Nowadays, everyone is all about “blogging for business” and “branding your voice” – well, I decided that I’d much rather focus more on getting back to the basics and loving blogging again without the bells and whistles. I already have a love for simplicity as of late so if I can remain authentic and honest in a space that started off as a safe haven for me and still have brands and things come my way, so be it.
When I started blogging a few years ago before “blogging business” went mainstream on the forreal tip – I enjoyed all things beauty and hair, hauls and fashion. Nowadays, my lifestyle has changed. I love less materials and more presence. Here’s what you can expect for me in 2016
Learning to love myself more
Sounds cliche’, right? But seriously, since becoming a mother, my life has literally been trying to break me. Sure, online I seem super happy and super positive but I’m human like anyone else – I’m not always as happy as I feel I should be. People have hurt me, people have betrayed me, people have talked trash about me – but I still stand. I’ve been on a “self-love” journey, like many of us. Putting myself before others (not to be selfish) but simply because for a long time I would just allow things to happen or be said without truly speaking up for myself.
Not anymore. I’m a non-conformist so I’m quick to tell anyone I could care less about how they feel about me. I feel good about me and that’s all that matters. I know where my heart is – and it’s never in a place of wanting to hurt others or see them suffer. We all have the power to change how we do things but we don’t have the power to change the consequences of things we’ve already done. I’ll be sharing that journey in this space.
Gone vegan + sticking to it
Yes, most people don’t know I’ve been vegan for a while now. Not just with food but even with external body care and such. You’ll be seeing a lot of creative, vegan meal recipes I’ve enjoyed on here. If you follow me on Twitter, you probably have already caught wind of a few epic goodnesses.
Keeping it simple
I’ve downsized A LOT since last year. Hello minimalism! On top of going vegan, going back to the basics, and my self-love and discovery journey – I ‘ve also been a minimalist. This isn’t really new for me but I have gone deeper into it in all aspects of my life and businesses. Hopefully, you enjoy what I plan to share on here and back on YouTube – how this simple life stuff makes me happy.
I hope you enjoy what’s to come because I am truly happy with where my mindset is about life this year. I have a lot to work on but I continue to improve and would love to help others do the same. Until then, if you want to hop on the list for monthly email love – do it! I tend to share even more there anyway.
I seriously cannot love this enough. I have been in such a rut recently with the blogging for business and branding. What if I just want to complain about some reality tv or my weight loss journey or my unruly curls?!? Thank you for putting things into perspective for all of us.
I may not be the biggest blogger or blogger expert, but I am happy with my little corner of the Internet.
I am sooo with you!! Since when did our blog space need to have rules to live by in order to "win on the internet"? I love my little corner too – so glad this post could be of some help.
This is truly amazing! I love it and your "new" blog is sooo welcoming!! Congratulations on finding that beautiful bit of peace that makes you comfortable in the little things of life. 🙂 Much success to you on this awesome journey, I am glad I stumbled across this here…💜
I started blogging back in 2012. It was my corner of the world where if no one saw I could have cared less. Recently I started getting so obsessed with just getting myself out there because I love my vantage point. But your post just affirms all I've been feeling. I just want to keep doing me. Talk about whatever I want. Whoever follows does and whoever connects can. It really just matters why you do it all and that you stay consistently motivated by that. Thanks for this!
I absolutely LOVE this! Interested in seeing your recipes also ♡
Yes and my sentiments exactly! Do you and love it! SO glad my post resonates with these "you gotta be like this" issues.
Thanks! SO far so good with the recipes – the latest is a hunger satisfy-er for sure lol